Behind the scenes
Why do we circus on wood?
8 June 2020
The awareness on global challenges has tremendously grown within few years. The growing population demands 100% more materials by 2050. At the same time, the planet’s resource capacity has already exceeded by 2-fold and we are only 9% circular. It is critical to tackle these challenges soon and wisely.
Resource-wise use of materials, renewable and non-renewable, is a global must. The simultaneous need to limit the negative environmental impact of the growing demand for resources and ensure the sustainable growth and social wellbeing drive us to seek good practices for resource efficiency and increased circularity of the material flows. The four R approach – reduce, reuse, recycle and regenerate – is critical also to the wood processing industry and value chains. Increased knowledge and awareness of the circularity and the uptake of the good practices foster the competitiveness of the European woodworking sector today and in the future.
WoodCircus project, as an essential part of European circular bioeconomy, promotes the circularity of the wood processing sector. It interlinks the opportunities and challenges of the resource efficiency, recycling and overall cascading use of wood material to improved economic, environmental and social sustainability of the sector and the whole society. With the consortium of vast European dimension and network of stakeholders from wood processing and waste management sectors and R&D provides, WoodCircus enhances the European exchange and market uptake of the good practices on resource efficiency, recycling and cascading use of wood.
Wood is a great material that can provide a solution for climate change. It acts as a carbon sink not only in forest but also in products.
That’s why we circus on wood.
Anne-Christine Ritschkoff, VTT
Project Coordinator
Interested in joining the WoodCircus network? Please use the contact form to get in touch with us or contact directly the WoodCircus Ringmaster :
Project Coordinator
Anne-Christine Ritschkoff, VTT
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Anne-Christine Ritschkoff