Charta für Holz 2.0 im Dialog
10 December 2019 | Berlin, Germany
On December 10th 2019, Michael Carus, CEO of WoodCircus partner nova-Institute, attended at “Charta für Holz 2.0 im Dialog” in Berlin. The event, organized by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft) in cooperation with the German Council for Sustainable Development (Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung), intended to encourage the discussion about the catchy question on how we want to live in the future regarding climate, values and change.
Sustainable economy in the forest-based sector appears as an important topic, as wood is versatilely usable, climate-friendly and renewable. About 120 participants with different backgrounds had a lively debate on the topic and the current state-of-the-art. It became clear that the exchange between the actors is an important component in order to develop solution approaches, and that policy, economy and consumers are in equal charge of implementing climate protection and sustainability.
In the lecture and panel discussion Michael Carus talked about the knowledge and awareness of the citizens regarding wood use as second generation feedstock. As revealed by a recent study, for most citizens, the protection of forests and their use in durable products was important. Carus also presented the Renewable Carbon Strategy and the integration of wood use into this strategy.
Michael Carus (nova-Institute). Photo: BMEL/FNR/photothek.
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VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Anne-Christine Ritschkoff