First Fact Finding Workshop
30 January – 1st February 2019 | Warsaw, Poland
The WoodCircus project kick-off meeting was held in Warsaw, Poland, between the 30th of January and the 1st of February 2019. A first fact finding workshop was held to gather preliminary information on recycling, waste wood management and side stream valorisation activities from both technical and regulatory point of view in the EU13 countries (EU13 referring to Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republique, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia as countries who have joined the EU after 2004).

The workshop participants, including project representatives and stakeholders, established a preliminary overview of the current situation of wood-based value chain management in the EU13 countries. The starting point is perceived as highly fragmented and heterogenous, differences lying especially in regulations and level of technical advancement between the EU13 countries or regions. Low awareness of circular bioeconomy and consumers’ unfavorable perceptions of wood-based products, besides modest visibility and acknowledgement are stated as common problems of the forestry sector. Whereas some of the existing regulations are still in the implementation phase, the data collection, classification, standardization and labelling activities would profit from more transparency and less red tape.
It would be crucial to promote mutual understanding between different stakeholders (industry – end users – policy makers – RTDI) as well as B2B collaboration in order to raise awareness, create market demand and increase forestry sector’s visibility and social approval of wood-based products. The sector would profit from a more systematic and strategic approach, competence transfer and policy incentives when it comes to value chain optimization and implementing bioeconomy principles.
Interested in joining the WoodCircus network? Please use the contact form to get in touch with us or contact directly the WoodCircus Ringmaster :
Project Coordinator
Anne-Christine Ritschkoff, VTT
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Anne-Christine Ritschkoff