Watch the full recording of the WoodCircus White Paper 2040 Event
8 September 2021
You can now watch the full conference recording of the WoodCircus White Paper 2040 Event held in Paris on July 15th, 2021 on YouTube and on our website.
WoodCircus White Paper 2040 Event on July 15, 2021
22 July 2021
The WoodCircus White Paper 2040 Event was held on the 15th of July, 2021 in Paris. Organised in close operation with the Forum International Bois Construction, the physical event took place in the magnificent Grand Palais Ephémère bringing wood construction in the very heart of the City of Lights.
There were more than 6 600 registered participants for the whole FBC2021 for the three days, a spectacular moment for the woodworking industries and wood itself as a driver for green growth in the circular bioeconomy.
WoodCircus White Paper launching event - REGISTER NOW!
15 July 2021 | Paris, France & Online
The WoodCircus White Paper 2040 for the European woodworking industries will be presented and discussed during a hybrid launching event in Paris and online on the 15th of July 2021. Organised in close cooperation with the Forum International Bois Construction, the physical event will take place in the prestigious Grand Palais Ephémère, located on the Champ-de-Mars opposite the Eiffel Tower.
The programme contains several round table sessions with industry representatives, experts and stakeholders engaged within WoodCircus. The event is free and open to all interested stakeholders.
European forests: the potential for a leading role in fighting climate change
3 May 2021
« We still delude ourselves into thinking that the forest is growing on its own – these are old observations that do not take into account the current situation, » states Dr. Andreas Nikolaus Kleinschmit von Lengefeld in an interview realised by Batirama. In order to achieve its best performance and to play a key role in fighting climate change, the European forests need coordinated action.
3rd Forest & Wood Innovation Forum
15 April 2021 | Virtual
Dr. Asta Partanen (nova-Institut, DE) will participate in the forum as a speaker to present some of the WoodCircus findings. Her presentation will particularly concentrate on the evaluation of good practices and solutions for the circular economy in the wood processing industry.
This virtual event gathers start-ups and SMEs along the entire value chain.
More info : www.worldresourceventures.com/programm-15-april-2021.html
The New European Bauhaus - Wood4Bauhaus
18 March 2021
WoodCircus coordinator Prof. Dr. Anne-Christine Ritschkoff (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.) will be one of the moderators of the upcoming Wood4Bauhaus virtual conference on the 8th of April 2021. She will moderate the part entitled « Good practices and solutions of Circular Economy and Green Building ».
Good practices in Circular Economy
2 February 2021
Together with the first round applicants of our 3W Factor Open Call for good practices in circular economy, we have prepared a set of factsheets to showcase their innovative solutions for circular, sustainable production. You can find the published factsheets in the Publications section!
We wish you a safe and peaceful Christmas!
21 December 2020
The WoodCircus Team wishes you a safe and peaceful Christmas time and a hopefully better 2021 for all of us. Keep safe, keep the spirit, and see you at Grand Palais Ephemere in July 2021!
Circular forest-based economy
12 October 2020
Executive summary on Fact findings of WoodCircus has been published! It summarises and gives an insight into the results of the conducted analysis on forest-based sector’s resource efficiency, side streams and value chains in the circular economy framework.
Wood we do not waste
21 September 2020
The wood processing industry is progressively aware of the radical change that the adoption of a circular economy model requires. Our analysis shows an image of a sector, which is taking directions down new innovation paths.
Giovanni Tosi, Erkki Verkasalo and Mariapia D’Anghela share their insights on the WoodCircus fact findings in the new Behind the Scenes blog post.
From Egoism to Ecoism
29 July 2020
Europe’s forest ecosystems and the forest-based sector are key partner for achieving the climate neutrality by 2050. We are ready to write the next chapter with European citizens as the forest-based people are in the heart of the Green Deal objectives.
Discover a new view for the forest-based people in Europe from the freshly published Behind the Scenes blog post by Andreas Kleinschmit von Lengefeld, WoodCircus co-coordinator!
Why do we circus on wood?
8 June 2020
Why is resource-wise use of materials a global must? What is the role of WoodCircus in promoting the circularity of the European wood processing sector?
Read about the thoughts of our Project Coordinator, Anne-Christine Ritschkoff, on global challenges, circularity and the importance of wood for today’s society and economy from the new Behind the Scenes blogpost!
Green Deal and the forest-based industry
11 February 2020
Announced by the European Commission at the end of 2019, what opportunities does the Green Deal potentially represent for the European forest industry? Read the interview with Andreas Kleinschmit von Lengefeld, Director of International Operations at Institute of Technology FCBA.
Subscribe to our newsletter
5 February 2020
Want to stay updated with the activities and results of WoodCircus? You can now subscribe to our newsletter in order to receive quarterly updates straight to your inbox!
Charta für Holz 2.0 im Dialog
10 December 2019 | Berlin, Germany
On December 10th 2019, Michael Carus, CEO of WoodCircus partner nova-Institute, attended at “Charta für Holz 2.0 im Dialog” in Berlin. The event, organized by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in cooperation with the German Council for Sustainable Development, intended to encourage the discussion about the catchy question on how we want to live in the future regarding climate, values and change.
Forum Holzbau "Efficient Building with Wood in Urban Space"
23-24 October 2019 | Cologne, Germany
The 12th European Congress of the Forum Holzbau took place in Cologne under the title « Efficient Building with Wood in Urban Space ». As in previous years, more than 30 lectures covered a wide range of topics during the 2-day congress.
Upcoming WoodCircus Workshop on how to investigate case studies that belong to a circular or partly circular wood value chain
13 November 2019 | Cologne, Germany
WoodCircus consortium partner nova-Institut GmbH is organising the next WoodCircus workshop on the 13th of November at the Maternushaus Congress Centre in Cologne, Germany. The workshop will concentrate on the methodology to evaluate best practice case studies with stakeholder discussions on how to investigate case studies that belong to a circular or partly circular wood value chain. The workshop will be organised as a side event of the world largest biocomposites event, the 8th Biocomposites Conference Cologne.
More information & registration: https://lnkd.in/dTAidwv
Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between FCBA and VTT
10 July 2019 | Helsinki, Finland
Institute of Technology FCBA and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim to strengthen research cooperation and exchange of ideas between the two institutes in the field of circular bioeconomy.
WoodCircus Project Meeting
8 July 2019 | Espoo, Finland
The WoodCircus Project Meeting gathered a total of 25 partners in the premises of the project coordinator VTT in Espoo, Finland on Monday 8th of July 2019. Alongside with project task updates and general assembly decisions, the main focus of the day was on an in-depth discussion on the results, gaps or needs identified during the fact finding process.
WoodCircus at the Wood Industry Summit at LIGNA, Hannover
27 May 2019 | Resource efficiency in forestry and timber industry, Wald und Holz NRW
One of the 17 WoodCircus partners, Nova-institut (DE), participated to the Summit performing fact finding interviews and meeting people from various organizations working on the topics of wood recycling, resource efficiency and cascade use of wood.
First Fact Finding Workshop
30 January – 1st February 2019 | Warsaw, Poland
The WoodCircus project kick-off meeting was held in Warsaw, Poland, between the 30th of January and the 1st of February 2019. A first fact finding workshop was held to gather preliminary information on recycling, waste wood management and side stream valorisation activities from both technical and regulatory point of view in the EU13 countries.
Interested in joining the WoodCircus network? Please use the contact form to get in touch with us or contact directly the WoodCircus Ringmaster :
Project Coordinator
Anne-Christine Ritschkoff, VTT
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Anne-Christine Ritschkoff